I joined Project Defending Life in prayer today in front of Planned Parenthood (an abortion clinic located at 701 San Mateo NE). Today was our church, Our Lady of Guadalupe's, day to continue praying to end abortion as part of 40 Days for Life. I prayed the rosary in front of the clinic and then joined Project Defending Life in mass. After mass Father held a procession in which Father led us to Planned Parenthood and blessed the building while the congregation all prayed the rosary together. I was deeply moved as this was my first year attending this function. However, what stirred me was not that of a content feeling, rather it was a heartrending feeling. As we prayed people would shout obscene things but we stayed concentrated in our prayer. People would yell at us to go home as they drove by or honked rowdily giving us the finger. I felt such sadness that as our very hearts have the luxury of beating, we as humans have the capability to end the beating of another life attached to us by an umbilical cord. Allowing abortion is murder. There is no question to it. Why we do allow ourselves the option of ending a life when other doors are open to us? There are families out there that yearn for children but cannot have their own. Standing outside that clinic made me appreciate the trails I have mourned over in my own life. I desperately felt the need to be closer to the women in there. I sensed a strong desire to open their eyes to other options and make them understand that another heart is beating inside of them and only they could make the choice to let that heart be nurtured into something even more precious than it already is. I longed to plead for the existence trapped in the womb that could not plead for itself. Yet we were not allowed to so much as allow one of our fallen eyelashes to land on their property before they unleashed the hell that has been allowed to prosper within their walls. Still something inside of me rang out, awakening a part of me that desired to bring the possible “mothers to be” to reasoning but…No part of myself had any idea of how.
Shortly before Father led the procession back to finish our prayers inside, a man approached us. Outraged he retorted, “There is a war going on and this is what you are concerned with!?” I felt compelled to answer but that would have violated the contract to keep peace that all participating members must sign. If I could have responded to this man I would have said this: “You better believe that this is what we are concerned with. This is our war. We aren’t fighting with weapons but this is just as much of a war as what you are referring to. We are losing lives and undermining our own names. We are murdering those who cannot plead for their own lives. You are condoning the destruction of another asset to the world.” After thinking this to myself I watched the man cross the street to rejoin his lover and his baby. This aroused another thought, “Can he really look his child in the eyes and defend the termination of potential life?” I felt sickened, but at the same time I felt blessed…Blessed with lavishness and adversity. I am blessed with life.