Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Blank Stares

Blank stares bring
Painful images of the past
I gaze into the hallucinogenic photograph
Sent by neurons to the back of my eyes
Where the past still lurks in my heart's pitch-black dungeon.
My daily life,
I get up,
Go to sleep,
My daily routine badgered and harassed
By my violent past.
Nightmares I somehow survived
Despite the odds against me,
Barks after me incessantly
And has all my life.
Born wihtout parents
Abandoned without love
A young babe with no place in the world
Not even a small corner in an alley or junk yard
Nothing and nowhere at the same time
All I can do is weep and weep my fate.

-Jason Yurcic (Voice of My Heart)

Immature impulse

When I become frustrated with my life
I want to destroy
Shelves of goods
At grocery stores
Running my arms across aisles of bottles
Smashing them
In a huge slippery mess
      With a feverous, maddened face
       The walls of my house to bits
       On a daily basis
       Because I have to say, "I'm Sorry"
       To those I love
And it's destroying me inside.

-Jason Yurcic (Voice of My Heart)

By Hand

The goose bumps
On my skin
Are from my soul
Trying to find an exit
From this tattered and street-scarred body
                              No escape is found
As my pen begins to move
Finding an exit
With words written by my hand.

-Jason Yurcic (Voice of My Heart)

I go through my days...

I go through my days
Feeling the craze that I have started
Live life in a daze
Bless the dearly departed
Life clearly uncharted
And you can go in any direction
I choose the gutter I guess 'cause it feels like an infection
Has come over my brain
Try to find love but only end up with pain
I feel the shame
In my soul from the sin that I spread
Some people think it's cool
But I'm better off dead than to be hurting anyone
Sooner or later they'll point the gun
Many have tried before
When will I die? I can't take it anymore
Let downs or frowns instead of smiles
Bad memories I've got piles and piles
Could build a dam to block the Nile
A fool with my heart beautiful women I defile
It's nothing to proud of
Trapped in a cloud of ignorant deeds
To free myself I follow creeds
The Buddah now leads me on my path
Wish I could make a dash to freedom
Gonna write a book and hope to lead the young
From the pain I've seen
If you write rules and read them you'll come out clean
I've been so mean with caring hearts
Love is a balloon
And I'm like darts
There goes another one
The stitches that hold my heart together have come undone
Live life for fun
But now I see the illusion
My heart beats hard but I suffer contusions
My decisions have left me in prisons
In my soul
God help me control my impulses
I speak truth and not falsehoods
My pulse quickens with the thought of death
But I can make it
I'll just take a deep breath

-Jason Yurcic (Voice of My Heart)

I'm like...

Dynamite ready to explode
Or implode
'Cause I'm full of anger
Everyone's in danger
Stranger even to myself
Sneaky like stealth
I explore the wealth
Of a mind deep like Pluto
Kick like judo
Smoke like Macanudo
No jokes
I'm not a comedian
Or a vegetarian
More like humanitarian
In sheep's clothing
Jealousy produces loathing
I break molds
No form quite like me
Far from norm
I shine like sun
Rhyme for fun
Not me
Roll smooth like sea
Or better yet ocean
In a hearse or a Vette
Faithful devotion
Like country clubs
Bear cubs
My words are fierce
Maul like Kodiak
Heart stops like cardiac
My chest holds sacred heart
My art displayed like Van Gogh
I'm made not to show
My emotion
Soothing like lotion
Lyric like locomotion
It's full stream ahead
I'm said to be unpredictable
Invincible not my body
Invisible my soul shines infinitely
Lines of divinity
Pour from pen like Niagra
Viagra not me
Mind fully erect
Expecting tragedy
But I'm ready
To roll with heavy metal
Like infantry
No Medal of Honor but Purple Heart
Unsung soldier clothed by Wal-Mart

-Jason Yurcic (Voice of My Heart)

Anger is...

A volcano
Yearning to erupt inside
Adrenaline lava
That blurs my eyes
Creating mountains of raging fire beneath the crust.
Ash covers the sky,
Covers my dreams,
The sun
Muffled by my screams.

-Jason Yurcic (Voice of My Heart)

Broken Heart

A life of held-back tears
Stored in me like cold spikes
At Jesus' feet and hands
Create in my chest
Dull vibes
Similar to a closed fist beating me down to hell
Each step I take in any direction
The pain churns
Suffocating my throat.
My eyes puff and venom squeezes through every pore
Hatred for my fate
And the life that God doomed me to live.
The hatred for me
And the world
Strangles me slowly,
Bit by bit,
Breath by breath.

-Jason Yurcic (Voice of My Heart)

Monday, June 21, 2010

Serrated Words

Im open again...

Just waiting...

Waiting for the anger to stop
Waiting for the pain to subside
But the wait has been prolonged once more

You see,
Your words tear at me
Like a knife that's just been sharpened

Each word breaks the flesh
Hurting more than a fist in the face
Or a knee to the stomach

But does it make you feel better?

Because we can sit here all day
Severing what's left of our connection
Word by word by bitter word

We can spend our life time
Spitting keen daggers at each other
But the anger is not going to disappear

So why do we do it?

It's not me you're angry with
Nor is it I who is angry with you

Yet it is each other we rip apart
With the serrated edges of our tongues

Still the swords continue to fly

They've been flying for so long
You've forgotten who you're really mad at

You don't want to hurt
So you thrust your words into anyone
Who makes you feel threatned

Well guess what!?

That has a chain effect

Now we're both expectorating our pain in the wrong directions
Wounding each other without physical contact
Anticipating the day the wounds mend into scars

Until then, we'r e both open...

Just waiting...

Monday, June 7, 2010

My Light

My ears are pierced by silence

With heavy breaths
I call out your name
But no response
Comes my way

My body surrenders to sadistic convulsions
The panic attack begins

The opening to my air way is sealed

My eyes reluctantly fasten themselves shut
I see an endless tunnel but there’s no light at the end

Tears rage across my cold face
I feel them soak my pillow

Each tear has its own story embodied in itself

This one’s for you
This one’s for love
This one’s for anger
This one’s for shame
And this one…
This one’s for myself

I heed your voice breaking through the silence
It forces me to smile through the tears

Suddenly the convulsions subside
My air way liberates
And my eyes surface to you

You are my light