Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Blank Stares
Painful images of the past
I gaze into the hallucinogenic photograph
Sent by neurons to the back of my eyes
Where the past still lurks in my heart's pitch-black dungeon.
My daily life,
I get up,
Go to sleep,
My daily routine badgered and harassed
By my violent past.
Nightmares I somehow survived
Despite the odds against me,
Barks after me incessantly
And has all my life.
Born wihtout parents
Abandoned without love
A young babe with no place in the world
Not even a small corner in an alley or junk yard
Nothing and nowhere at the same time
All I can do is weep and weep my fate.
-Jason Yurcic (Voice of My Heart)
Posted by Avid Soul-Timid Psyche at Wednesday, June 23, 2010 0 comments
Immature impulse
Posted by Avid Soul-Timid Psyche at Wednesday, June 23, 2010 0 comments
By Hand
Posted by Avid Soul-Timid Psyche at Wednesday, June 23, 2010 0 comments
I go through my days...
Posted by Avid Soul-Timid Psyche at Wednesday, June 23, 2010 0 comments
I'm like...
Posted by Avid Soul-Timid Psyche at Wednesday, June 23, 2010 0 comments
Anger is...
A volcano
Yearning to erupt inside
Adrenaline lava
That blurs my eyes
Creating mountains of raging fire beneath the crust.
Ash covers the sky,
Covers my dreams,
The sun
Muffled by my screams.
-Jason Yurcic (Voice of My Heart)
Posted by Avid Soul-Timid Psyche at Wednesday, June 23, 2010 0 comments
Broken Heart
Stored in me like cold spikes
At Jesus' feet and hands
Create in my chest
Dull vibes
Similar to a closed fist beating me down to hell
Each step I take in any direction
The pain churns
Suffocating my throat.
My eyes puff and venom squeezes through every pore
Hatred for my fate
And the life that God doomed me to live.
The hatred for me
And the world
Strangles me slowly,
Bit by bit,
Breath by breath.
-Jason Yurcic (Voice of My Heart)
Posted by Avid Soul-Timid Psyche at Wednesday, June 23, 2010 0 comments
Monday, June 21, 2010
Serrated Words
Just waiting...
Waiting for the anger to stop
Waiting for the pain to subside
But the wait has been prolonged once more
You see,
Your words tear at me
Like a knife that's just been sharpened
Each word breaks the flesh
Hurting more than a fist in the face
Or a knee to the stomach
But does it make you feel better?
Because we can sit here all day
Severing what's left of our connection
Word by word by bitter word
We can spend our life time
Spitting keen daggers at each other
But the anger is not going to disappear
So why do we do it?
It's not me you're angry with
Nor is it I who is angry with you
Yet it is each other we rip apart
With the serrated edges of our tongues
Still the swords continue to fly
They've been flying for so long
You've forgotten who you're really mad at
You don't want to hurt
So you thrust your words into anyone
Who makes you feel threatned
Well guess what!?
That has a chain effect
Now we're both expectorating our pain in the wrong directions
Wounding each other without physical contact
Anticipating the day the wounds mend into scars
Until then, we'r e both open...
Just waiting...
Posted by Avid Soul-Timid Psyche at Monday, June 21, 2010 0 comments
Monday, June 7, 2010
My Light
Posted by Avid Soul-Timid Psyche at Monday, June 07, 2010 0 comments