Thursday, September 23, 2010
Book Report - The Summoning by Kelly Armstrong
Kelly Armstong wrote about a young girl, Chloe, who has a powerful gift. Chloe Saunders can communicate with ghosts and raise the dead. However, Chloe is tricked into believing she is a schizophrenic teen who needs help. Upon discovering she is a necromancer and not a schizo, Chloe uncovers more secrets. In my life I have seen this in reverse effect a million times. I have several cousins with mental disabilities. I always hear about how my cousins can't do things because of their disabilities when I know they are capable. Their parents supply them with this excuse for everything. One time my younger cousin broke down into tears crying about how stupid she was because her mom told her she "couldn't" be on the soccer team. After my cousin talked to her special ed teacher, who coaxed her into trying out, my cousin made the soccerr team and gained confidence. Not only was her mother in shock of the soccerr jersey my cousin proudly sported, but when her mom appologized for almost not letting her try out my cousins was response was to let her know she understood that her mom as just doing what she thought was best. In this novel, Chloe finds out her aunt is part of a group of people who are trying to genetically engineer supernaturals. Chloe's aunt does not realize how evil they are at first and Aunt Lauren is the reason Chloe is captive under the rule of mad scientists. Chloe must escape and learn to forgive her aunt. The group kills her aunt but not before she writes a letter to Chloe explaining that she never meant to endanger her.
Posted by Avid Soul-Timid Psyche at Thursday, September 23, 2010 0 comments
Assignment #5 - Essay:Religion and Race (Biasy)
The building of a Muslim Mosque in New York City has been a large topic of controversy. I believe the Muslims do have a right to build a Mosque anywhere in America as any other religion has a right to build their place of worship where they want it. However, I also think they Muslims should step back and realize that while it was only two of their men who took innocent lives from us, that is a major tragedy that can’t be undone. Americans are now scared of Muslims. No, I do not believe the entire Muslim group should be tainted by the gory blunder caused by a very small portion of their assembly. What I do think is that it is understandable that the Americans are scared of them and the Muslims should have enough respect to find another location for their Mosque. This behavior, on both ends, is much like that in the immigration issue.
In New York City stands Lady Liberty declaring freedom that we “send these, your homeless, your tempest-toss” to her as she lifts her “lamp beside the golden door”. We tell everyone that America is a refuge for all who yearn for a better life but then we put up walls and station soldiers at every border line. If they are a different color or speak a different language they should not be allowed to just waltz into here like Lady Liberty actually meant what’s engraved on her…is this really the foundation of America ? Is this the message we want to send to the future Americans? “Don’t trust Muslims because a few of them made an unforgivable mistake and one bad apple spoils the whole barrel. Oh, and by the way son, I know we took this land from Mexico but the Mexicans don’t belong here anymore so it’s ok to be prejudiced against them.” These are the messages we are portraying to the next generation of baby Americans. We can close our eyes and pretend like all this bias nonsense is not there but guess what!? When we count to twenty and open our eyes all of this racism and religious stereotyping is going to remain. It will not grow legs and disappear behind a tree or under a bed. It’s going to be there and eventually you will have to open your eyes ready or not. We can stuff all of our predetermined labels into a trash bag but it is not going to take itself to the dumpster. It is up to us to start freeing ourselves from the chains of preset judgment. We need to expand our horizons and be open to new things. America needs to stop being scared of change! Sometimes I feel like the only thing that is keeping the United States united is the same thing that is tearing it apart and making it hypocritical. Forthrightly, America ’s foundation is now more duplicitous than it is the safe heaven Lady Liberty intended it to be. Mexicans can no longer freely walk around in Arizona without being asked for their papers. People of certain heritages can not run for leadership positions without being labeled Muslim or Jew etc. Our states maybe united, but under what circumstances? Just because our forefathers never specifically said that the United States should be united under welcoming circumstances does not mean it is ok to strip ourselves of the pride of diversity. It does not make it ok to ask every Mexican in Arizona if they are legal. It does not make it ok to burn Korans, and furthermore it does not make it ok keep out the people summoned by Lady Liberty in “The New Colossus”.
What is America becoming? Is there even a word for it? Moreover, how do we correct this issue if it is even correctable? Have we lost control of “the home of the free and the land of the brave”? In degrading other religions and other races we are degrading our names as Americans. We have fought too many wars and lost too many lives to tear America down with whether or not Muslims should build a Mosque by Ground Zero and so on. If it is united we stand then let’s stand united under good circumstances. Let’s stand united with the Muslims and the Mexicans and all others who come to America . Because as soon as one person decides he or she cannot join hands with someone due to their religion or race, we are no longer united. We will become 50 sates instead of 1 country. Then before you know it we will be 310,322,000 people instead of 50 states. Don’t play hide and seek with the issues we are faced with. Don’t expect them to solve themselves either.
Posted by Avid Soul-Timid Psyche at Thursday, September 23, 2010 0 comments
Assignment #4 - Essay: How has religion shaped our culture?
Religion has, and forever will, reflect in our cultures and politics. Since the beginning of America, we have made our religion heard all over the nation. “One nation under God…” (Francis Bellamy, 1892). Our religious beliefs even echo in our pledge of allegiance. While the pledge was created in 1892, the echo of our spiritual convictions still rings throughout our country like the indomitable sound of the Liberty Bell. This can be perceived in our schools, in politics, and in casual social settings as well.
Within my own school I have become aware of the way religion affects the students as a population. We have a Christian bible study in a public that meets every week for lunch. Then we have Christians, Catholics, and Atheists. While the Christians and the Catholics usually do not segregate from each other, we do tend to avoid the Atheists. I, personally, do not shun anyone who does not share the same beliefs as me, however many people cannot accept anything other than what they believe to be true. Nevertheless, at this age (high school) much of the beliefs we have obtained are learned from the people closest to us.
Politics, politics, politics….it seems that political affairs are all we hear about in the United States. Yet, can’t I say the same thing about religion? In my opinion, both religion and politics are the major focuses of this country. When Obama was elected president, the majority of the people took one look at him at dubbed him Muslim. Come to find out, he is Christian. Now Obama is considering the idea of a Muslim Mosque near Ground Zero and you rarely hear people saying, “Obama supports other religions. He is a Christian willing to trust Muslims enough to approve their Mosque in New York.” Instead one man organizes a Koran burning, which was fortunately canceled, and more people insinuating Obama must be Muslim. My first instinct was to critique this man organizing the burning of Korans but I realized, as angry and upset as I was, he was feeling the same things I was. Granted these emotions were not toward him self, rather they were toward the Muslims who collapsed the twin towers on 9/11. Yet this man was judging a religious group for what two men did. No one can inarguably say that these men high jacked the plane because they were Muslims with a grudge against Christians or even Americans in general. These men could have been mentally ill or just wanted publicity but automatically we jump to the conclusion that it must be because they are Muslim.
Earlier I mentioned that I do not shun people who do not share my beliefs, however, when I am in a casual social setting I do not let others talk down to or disrespect them either. For example, I am Catholic and I do believe it is wrong to take the Lord’s name in vein. My sister conversely believes that there may be a god but she does not have to take precautions on being respectful because she is uncertain of his existence. I have heard her take the Lord’s name in vein more times than I can count but every time I hear that I make it a point to let her know I am offended by it and that I do not appreciate her disrespect. I understand that she does not think it is offensive to use a holy name with repulsive language. Still, in respect of the beliefs of who do believe in God, she should not degrade his name around us.
You see, it is natural for us as humans to live within our comfort zones. For some of us this includes our religious beliefs and morals. We become uncomfortable with the thought that someone else beliefs may differ from ours and we use that as an excuse. America is scared of Muslims because the men who caused 9/11 were Muslim. Some parents don’t want religion taught in school because they fear the beliefs of their children may change for the worse. Furthermore, some people will go to the extremes to avoid someone of another religion just because they believe differently and/or practice their beliefs in a different way. Back in the day white children use to be taught that black children were not human, we are sending the same messages about religion. This is not healthy. We need to open our minds to the beliefs of others. No, you do not need to believe the same things as the next person, but respect their religion. Mosques, churches, temples; these are all places of worship. I pray to God, my cousin prays to Allah, some of my families friends pray to YAWEH, but as Gunny Flores says “we all bleed red”. I believe God wants for me what Allah wants for my cousin and what YAWEH wants for the Jews. So why turn to religion as an excuse for anything they do that might make me uncomfortable? Why dub Obama Muslim because of his background and support of a Mosque? Finally, why avoid those who don’t believe in God instead of praying that they find God? Diversity is what the American culture is about. Praise it.
Posted by Avid Soul-Timid Psyche at Thursday, September 23, 2010 0 comments
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Shattered hearts
And broken dreams
Life contradicting what it means
They show you rainbows bright
And beautiful butterfly sights
Then make you watch them revolutionize
Before your eyes
The rainbow has faded
Butterflies dead
They never told you what’s ahead
Now you lay in your bed
Hearing glasses break
Is it love they give or love they take?
And broken dreams
Life contradicting what it means
They show you rainbows bright
And beautiful butterfly sights
Then make you watch them revolutionize
Before your eyes
The rainbow has faded
Butterflies dead
They never told you what’s ahead
Now you lay in your bed
Hearing glasses break
Is it love they give or love they take?
Posted by Avid Soul-Timid Psyche at Sunday, September 05, 2010 0 comments
Friday, September 3, 2010
Book Report (Assignment #3) - My Sister's Keeper by Jodi Picoult
Jodi Picoult- My Sister's Keeper
(This picture shows Kate consoling Anna as they talk about Anna's big decision.)
Often in life we have to make verdicts that we are never really sure are right or wrong. Even once the decision is made and the consequences are in effect, we still cannot decide if that was the right choice or not. In Jodi Picoult's book My Sister's Keeper, young Anna is forced to make a tough decision. Does she do as her sister asked and stop letter her parents use Anna as Kate's means of survival?
This book relates to my life in the sense that my aunt is currently facing acute lymphoblastic leukemia. She was in need of a bone marrow transplant but only one of her siblings was a suitable match. Both of my aunts had a huge conclusion to come to. Should Aunt Roxanne accept Aunt Sandra’s bone marrow? Should Aunt Sandra donate her bone marrow? In the end they decided it could only help if Sandra gave Roxanne her bone marrow. The message I am attempting to convey here is that no decision is easy. We may think “Donating my organs etc. is an easy choice to make. If my family needs it, I will give it to them.” However, when you face this in reality it can be terrifying. You never know exactly how you will respond to a situation until you are facing it. In this case Anna had to sue her parents for her own legal medical rights because her younger sister asked that Anna live her life like a normal child and not be her living donor. Anna could have chosen to say no and continue to be the life line for Kate, but what life would either of them have always sharing a hospital rooms never knowing what it is like to be healthy? As humans, we tend to rush into decisions without adequate time to evaluate all of the consequences to them. We need to slow down and contemplate what the appropriate actions. Sometimes we have to hurt ourselves or others to please another and vise versa. In this novel Anna faces who she really is, Kate’s spare organs or her own being…Life is about finding ourselves. We never stop discovering who we are. Be content with who you are, but also be open to change.
Posted by Avid Soul-Timid Psyche at Friday, September 03, 2010 0 comments
Assignment #2 - Traditional Japaneese Haiku Assignment
Wisdom Haiku assignment
So chase the dream you want for yourself, not the dream others want for you.
Seek contentment in your own dreams, that’s the only place it can be found.
Posted by Avid Soul-Timid Psyche at Friday, September 03, 2010 0 comments
Assignment #1 - Show and Tell Assignment
I can tell
But it can't be touched
I can show
But it won't be physically discernible
It can be found bleeding down the sleeves of our shirt
As our hearts rupture to pieces
It can be found in a warm embrace
Or even in a dozen roses
To some people it is rare
Yet for others it is abundant
Most commonly
You must give this to receive it
For my show and tell I bring you love
Displayed in the smile across my face
So I'm leaving with this grin
Bearing a content heart in my hands
In hoping your next show and tell
You share with all some love
But it can't be touched
I can show
But it won't be physically discernible
It can be found bleeding down the sleeves of our shirt
As our hearts rupture to pieces
It can be found in a warm embrace
Or even in a dozen roses
To some people it is rare
Yet for others it is abundant
Most commonly
You must give this to receive it
For my show and tell I bring you love
Displayed in the smile across my face
So I'm leaving with this grin
Bearing a content heart in my hands
In hoping your next show and tell
You share with all some love
Posted by Avid Soul-Timid Psyche at Friday, September 03, 2010 0 comments
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