Thursday, September 23, 2010

Book Report - The Summoning by Kelly Armstrong

Kelly Armstong wrote about a young girl, Chloe, who has a powerful gift. Chloe Saunders can communicate with ghosts and raise the dead. However, Chloe is tricked into believing she is a schizophrenic teen who needs help. Upon discovering she is a necromancer and not a schizo, Chloe uncovers more secrets. In my life I have seen this in reverse effect a million times. I have several cousins with mental disabilities. I always hear about how my cousins can't do things because of their disabilities when I know they are capable. Their parents supply them with this excuse for everything. One time my younger cousin broke down into tears crying about how stupid she was because her mom told her she "couldn't" be on the soccer team. After my cousin talked to her special ed teacher, who coaxed her into trying out, my cousin made the soccerr team and gained confidence. Not only was her mother in shock of the soccerr jersey my cousin proudly sported, but when her mom appologized for almost not letting her try out my cousins was response was to let her know she understood that her mom as just doing what she thought was best. In this novel, Chloe finds out her aunt is part of a group of people who are trying to genetically engineer supernaturals. Chloe's aunt does not realize how evil they are at first and Aunt Lauren is the reason Chloe is captive under the rule of mad scientists. Chloe must escape and learn to forgive her aunt. The group kills her aunt but not before she writes a letter to Chloe explaining that she never meant to endanger her.