Saturday, January 23, 2010


It’s not what the heart pumps
Rather it’s what the heart feels

Our mom is the same
But our feelings are not

You abandoned me for 13 years
Then you convinced me that you cared

What a fool I was
To believe you loved me

You didn’t want to be a part of my life
You didn’t want to be my sister

So why did you call in the first place?

Are you through with me
Or am I through with you

Are we through for now
Or through for good

Let’s give it another 13 years
And see if our feelings our mutual

Maybe by then you’ll see what I see
That sisters are born from the heart

Blood relation doesn’t matter
When you deny your own family

For my real sister does not share my blood
But my sisters been there

Through thick and through thin
When you didn’t even know
I was hurting within


Anonymous said...

wow. awesome job so far!!! Keep it up!