“To confine your emotions is asking for explosion. To cover your emotions is asking for confusion. To feel your emotions is to have enough wisdom to acknowledge that you can only defer the feeling and make it worse or deal with it in an appropriate manner. You cannot change it.”
It is hard to let yourself feel the emotions you are actually experiencing. Many times we pretend like the emotion is not there. We make ourselves numb. Other times we lie to ourselves about what we feel. For example, we get angry at the world so others won’t see the fear that lies inside. Neither of these are healthy for you or the people around you.
Countless times I have hid my emotions in hopes that no one would know what I was truly feeling. Countless times I have seen loved ones hide their feelings in hopes no one would know what they were truly feeling. It doesn’t work. After a while, you begin to feel emotionless like a robot. As time progress you start to feel again but this time you’ve added to the emotions. For me it was anger. Anger for lying to myself knowing sooner or later it would no longer work. Still, sometimes people make themselves feel a different emotion in place of what they are really feeling.
Lying to yourself about your emotions doesn’t help either. It actually makes you a meaner person. You start to get angry. You get angry that no one understands or cares, but you’ve hid the emotions so that there is nothing for them to understand. You get angry at yourself and at the world. When you get really angry you start to take it out on other people. You get rude for no reason or shut them out and ignore them. This is not healthy for you or the person who is being shut out.
This is where wisdom comes into play. We must learn when and how to show our feelings. If it is not the appropriate time to express our emotions then we must know how to feel what were feeling without showing it and/or letting it affect the given situation. This is not an easy skill to acquire nor is it one many obtain. Nevertheless, it is important to have wisdom when it comes to our own emotions. You don’t want to become numb or constantly trick yourself into feeling something totally different from what you really feel. This can make you confused and closed. You also don’t want to display the wrong emotions at the wrong times. This is why it is critical to obtain wisdom on your emotions. In order to do so we must first get to know ourselves. We have to know how we show and react to certain emotions. If you do not know how you currently deal with the adversity and inconvenience of some emotions then you cannot change the way you deal with them for the future.
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